I. Jesus Christ -- our promised Savior (OT & NT)
Christ’s birth foretold -- Luke 1:26-38, Matthew 1:18-25 pdf
Immanuel (God with us) dwells among us -- Luke 2:22-35, Matthew 2 pdf
II. Jesus' miracles & encounters
Jesus stills the sea -- Luke 8:22-25
Into herd of many swine -- Luke 8:26-39
Jairus & woman with issue of blood for 12 years -- Luke 8:40-56
The ten lepers -- Luke 17:11-19
Rich young ruler -- Luke 18:18-27
III. Jesus' I AMs & parables
Parable of the sower -- Luke 8:1-15
Parable of the lamp -- Luke 8:16-18
Good samaritan -- Luke 10:30-37
Lost sheep -- Luke 15:3-7
Lost coin -- Luke 15:8-10
Lost son -- Luke 15:11-32
IV. Sermons to a great diverse multitude
Model prayer -- Luke 11:1-13
V. Real lives changed
Zaccheus -- (backgound: Luke 18:18-27) Luke 19:1-10
Simon Peter -- Luke 22:54-62
The thief on the cross -- Luke 23:39-43
Saul (Paul) - Zealous persecutor of Christians -- Acts 22:1-15
Chronological ordered (based on https://bible-history.com/chart-jesus-chronology/)